A design tailored for the Chemical Industry

Multiple sizes of container, products from bulk or road tankers, dilution and blends for specialist customers and all within a flammable hazard environment. PSL were the choice for packing off the solvents, with two Jumbo machines, one on a mobile trolley and one filling over a pallet-size conveyor. Both machines featuring rise with fill sub-surface filling to maximise production rates safely.

Two PC’s in the office were used to enable creation of a filling campaign for the day, with all package sizes and products available from drop down menus to allow easy set up of the entire days filling jobs. Each job is loaded in turn onto the second PC which supervises the work and records the data, passing control to the local Jumbo during each filling cycle for maximum accuracy.

Using both Zener and Galvanic technologies combined with IS fielbus control and liquid measurement by mass, the system has packed in excess of a million containers over the past five years.